We train and teach traditional Hung Gar (洪家) and Hap Gar (侠家) kung fu in the Wellington region.
Contact details:
Mr David Chan: +64 27 889 3760/ davidanthonychan@gmail.com
Mr Frank Szeto: +64 21 809 670/ zenfralogic@gmail.com
About our System
Hap Gar kung fu is said to have originated in the fighting traditions of the Lama Monks of Tibet. The system relies on the waist to generate and deliver significant power to the striking limbs. The art emphasises agility, evasion and quick successive counter attacks with ferocious intensity and pin point accuracy. Owing to the dynamic and rapid flowing strikes of Hap Gar, considerable focus is given to developing deep rooted, yet quite moveable stances to allow for maximum efficiency of movement while maintaining complete control throughout. This is the point where the two styles converge.
Hung Gar kung fu is characterised by strong stances, powerful hand strikes and emphasis of the Horse Riding Stance (sei ping ma). It’s roots can be traced back to the Southern Shaolin temple in Fukian province, China.
While each of these styles is a complete fighting art on its own, we see each style as highly complimentary to the other. Quite simply, through diligent training, the successful combination of both styles offers more to the student than the sum of each part.
Practically, our training focuses on developing the links between physical conditioning, sparring and forms work. In addition, students are taught the cultural aspects that accompany learning a traditional Chinese martial art.
Lineage Information
Lineage is an important aspect in traditional Chinese martial arts. It helps to establish an understanding of where a particular art originated from, who the key teachers of the style were from days gone by and helps us to identify other students of the same lineage. In essence it is the kung fu schools family tree.
Lineage also enables the student to understand how a style developed over time by identifying key people that the art passed down through.

Reproduced with permission from www.risingcrane.co.uk
Sifu Melissa Fung Chan - Chief Instructor

Fung Ying Hong (陳)馮映虹 began learning traditional Chinese martial arts in Guangzhou in 1962 under Sigong Deng Gum To (鄧錦濤) and his senior student Professor Zhou Pu Wang (周沛宏).
A traditional Wushu champion during the 1970s and early 1980s, she was the gold medalist in the Southern Fist category at the All China Traditional Martial Arts competition in 1980. In the years to follow she instructed classes for her teacher and qualified as a judge and trainer for the Guangdong Wushu Federation.
In 1983 Melissa Fung Chan emigrated from China to New Zealand where she now lives and teaches traditional Chinese martial arts.
Throughout the mid 1980’s she performed various demonstrations of Hung Gar and Hap Gar empty hand and weapons forms and this led to her being invited to teach senior students at the Chinese Martial Arts Association (est 1968), one of the oldest Chinese martial arts schools in New Zealand. She taught kung fu and tai chi at the school for many years.

Above: Sifu Fung with her older kung fu brother, Zhou Pu Wang, early 1980's.
In 2003 she was invited by the Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand Inc to open her own classes teaching southern fist Chinese martial arts. In 2006 Sifu Fung was awarded an honorary Black Belt by the Chinese Martial Arts Association for her contribution to that organisation. In 2009 she was awarded 6th Duan Wei by the Chinese Wushu Federation in Beijing. She is currently Technical Adviser Traditional Chinese Martial Arts to the Chin Woo Athletic Association of New Zealand.
David Chan: - First started learning martial arts in 1989 at the Kempo School of Martial Arts north of Wellington. He trained for five years at this school before attending Victoria University where he cross trained with various people in different styles. In 1999 he returned to formal martial arts training in Ryūkyū kempo tomari-te and continued in this style for six years (Yudansha- 3rd Dan). In 2003 he met Sifu Fung and began his study of Hap Gar and Hung Gar kung fu and after five years of training with her, was accepted as Sifu Fung's first indoor disciple (入室弟子) in 2008.

Frank Szeto:- Trained in Kempo Bushido Ryu from 1988 to 1990 before joining Shi Mei Lin International Wushu Association. Was one of Madam Shi Mei Lins first generation students in New Zealand and studied directly under her for 13 years continuing to assist with classes to this day. From 2003 to present, Frank has been studying Chen Style Tai Chi Chuan under Sifu Terry Young and Hung Gar and Hap Gar under Sifu Fung.

Sigong Deng Gum To 鄧錦濤 (1902-1987)

Sigong Deng Gum To was born in 1902 in Guangdong Provence, southern China and lived until the age of 85. He devoted much of his life’s work to the study and promotion of traditional southern fist kung fu.
Deng Gum To initially learnt Hung Gar kung fu from his father Deng Long. Impressed with the Hap Gar style and having regard to his son's slight build, Deng Long sent his son to study Hap Gar kung fu from his colleague Wong Lun. Wong Lun was a disciple of the famous Sifu Wong Yan Lam. Later on, Deng Gum To also studied Yang Tai Chi Chuan under Yang Sau Cheung.

Deng Gum To taught kung fu in Guangzhou for many decades in the mid to late 1900's. He was a committee member for the Chinese Wushu Federation, Chairman for the Federation of Chinese martial arts in Guangzhou and Guangdong, selector and trainer of the Guangdong provincial team and a national wushu referee.
Deng Sigong taught many students who excelled in traditional Chinese martial arts at the highest level. Pictured below are some of these students:- his son Sifu Deng Jan Gong (China), Sifu Kong Fan Wei (The Netherlands), Madam Liang Xiao Wan (France), and our Sifu Melissa Fung Chan (Fung Ying Hong).

(C) New Zealand Ling Nan Wushu Association est 2003
Site created and maintained by D.A. Chan